Luteinizing hormone, progesterone and the morphological development of normal and superovulated corpora lutea in sheep

The development of granulosa-lutein cells was studied in 27 normal and 32 superovulated ewes between days 0–4 (day 0 began with the preovulatory LH peak in normal animals and the HCG injection in superovulated ewes). The pattern of differentiation was similar in both groups. Following initial hormonal stimulation (0–12 hours after LH or HCG), granulosa cells were approximately 100 μ2 and contained small, pleomorphic nuclei with large amounts of clumped chromatin. Elongate cells lining the basement membrane possessed large, heterogeneous dense bodies, and a well-developed Golgi apparatus. Mitotic figures were observed up to 6 hours prior to ovulation. Sixteen to 20 hours following the LH surge or HCG injection, hypertrophy of granulosa cells was evident. Nuclei contained definitive nucleoli. Blood vessels in the theca interna were abundant and highly dilated. Ovulation occurred approximately 24 hours after the LH peak or HCG injection. Visible signs of luteinization were evident 6–12 hours after ovulation. A slight increase in serum progesterone levels was detected. The second post-ovulatory day was characterized by continuing hypertrophy of granulosa cells and extensive proliferation of smooth endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. Nuclei of granulosa cells were larger and possessed extremely large nucleoli. Numerous mitotic figures were apparent within the corpus luteum. Serum progesterone concentrations began increasing at 60–72 hours after hormone stimulation. By the end of the third post-ovulatory day, the corpus luteum consisted of large, pleomorphic, parenchymal cells, interspersed between capillaries and connective tissue elements. Only an occasional mitotic figure was apparent within the corpus luteum at 100 hours. Light microscopic autoradiography of 5, 10, and 15 day corpora lutea taken from ewes pulsed with 3H thymidine at specific times before and after ovulation revealed that granulosa cells did not undergo secondary mitoses following ovulation. In contrast, thecal, mesenchymal and endothelial cells did mitose on day 3.