Potts-model formulation of the random resistor network

The randomly diluted resistor network is formulated in terms of an n-replicated s-state Potts model with a spin-spin coupling constant J in the limit when first n, then s, and finally 1/J go to zero. This limit is discussed and to leading order in 1/J the generalized susceptibility is shown to reproduce the results of the accompanying paper where the resistor network is treated using the xy model. This Potts Hamiltonian is converted into a field theory by the usual Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation and thereby a renormalization-group treatment is developed to obtain the corrections to the critical exponents to first order in ε=6-d, where d is the spatial dimensionality. The recursion relations are shown to be the same as for the xy model. Their detailed analysis (given in the accompanying paper) gives the resistance crossover exponent as φ1=1+ε/42, and determines the critical exponent, t for the conductivity of the randomly diluted resistor network at concentrations, p, just above the percolation threshold: t=(d-2)ν+φ1, where ν is the critical exponent for the correlation length at the percolation threshold. These results correct previously accepted results giving φ=1 to all orders in ε. The new result for φ1 removes the paradox associated with the numerical result that t>1 for d=2, and also shows that the Alexander-Orbach conjecture, while numerically quite accurate, is not exact, since it disagrees with the ε expansion.