Determination of Nuclear Level Densities at an Excitation Energy of 20 MeV

The level-density ratios in Fe56 and Ni60 at excitation energies of approximately 10 and 20 MeV have been evaluated by combining calculations based on the statistical theory of nuclear reactions and experimental measurements of level widths Γ determined from studies of cross-section fluctuations. The importance of each of the various parameters in the statistical-theory calculation was studied as a function of the spin J of the compound nucleus. Assuming a Fermi-gas model with shell and pairing-energy corrections, the evaluated level-density ratios give values of the level density parameter a of 6.0.9+0.6 and 6.71.3+0.8 MeV1 for Fe56 and Ni60, respectively. These values of a are in excellent agreement with those made at excitation energies of less than 10 MeV. Hence, within the framework of the Fermi-gas model these results give independent evidence, in addition to the evidence already discussed in the literature, that the Γ values determined from cross-section-fluctuation measurements are those characteristic of the compound nucleus.