The spin of the K41 nucleus and the h.f.s. separation of the S122 normal state have been measured by the method of zero moments. The high resolution necessary to separate the two isotopes was obtained by passing a beam of neutral potassium atoms through a weak inhomogeneous magnetic field 153 cm long. The total beam length was 201 cm. A new method of analysis of the zero moment peak of K41 in relation to that of K39 was used in the determination of the spin. The spin was found to be 3/2 and the h.f.s. separation to be 0.554±0.2 percent of that of K39. The same ratio applies to the magnetic moments, hence this ratio and the values for K39 given by Fox and Rabi yield {Δν(K41),=0.00853±0.0001 cm1}{μ(K41),=0.22 nuclearBohrmagneton.} From the peak intensities it is possible to give the abundance ratio K39/K41 as 13.4±0.5.