A Comparison Between the Dissociation of the Haemocyanins of Helix and Crustacea

1. The effect of increasing temperature upon the dissociation curve of Helix is similar qualitatively to that which has been recorded in the case of haemoglobin and crustacean haemocyanin. The value of Q per n gram molecules of oxygen is about 8000 calories. That is, it is of the same order of magnitude as the value for crustacean haemocyanin, but in all probability significantly less. 2. The effect of increase of hydrogen-ion concentration upon the haemocyanin of Helix pomatia is remarkably slight as compared with its effect on crustacean haemocyanin. At low tensions no effect is detectable. Comparing the 50 per cent. and 75 per cent. saturation points, it is seen, that, as with crustacean haemocyanin, increasing hydrogen-ion concentration at first diminishes, but beyond a certain point increases, affinity for oxygen. The curves obtained on the acid side of this point are not identical in shape with the curves obtained on the alkaline side. The significance of this fact in relation to previous observations on crustacean haemocyanin, and to Rona and Ÿllpo's experiments on haemoglobin, is discussed in the text. 3. The behaviour of the haemocyanin of Helix as compared with that of crustacean haemocyanin in relation to the presence of neutral chlorides of the alkaline and alkaline earth metals is even more different. In alkaline medium, the addition of neutral chlorides to the serum depresses the dissociation curve; at a point on the acid side of the critical pH referred to in section 2, addition of salts was not found to exert any detectable influence.