The ratio of [female] to [male] is about 3:97. From the eggs of [female][female] mated with [male][male] of another species again only a small percentage develops into matroclinous [male] the remaining eggs do not hatch and seem to represent those yielding $ offspring in normally mated individuals. The same holds true for the eggs of virgins; only a small percentage of the few eggs laid is viable and yields haploid [female][female] are haploid and are derived from unfertilized eggs which have undergone 2 meiotic divisions. [female] are diploid, derived from fertilized eggs, and have 10 chromosomes. The 1st spermatocyte division is abortive; the 2d is normal and yields 2 sperm. Spermatogenesis, oogenesis, syngamy and the cleavage stages of both haploid and diploid eggs are descr. and figured.