The effect of a 1-hr light pulse, given at night, on the timing of the circadian rhythm in the plasma concentration of melatonin was examined in Soay rams to investigate the mechanisms involved in determining the duration of the nocturnal peak in melatonin secretion. Animals (n = 8) were housed under short days (LD 8:16) or long days (LD 16:8) and received a light pulse at various times of night. They were released into constant dim red light (DD) on day 1. Blood samples were collected hourly for 30 hr from 1000 hr on day 3, and the plasma concentration of melatonin was determined by radioimmunoassay to assess the timing of the melatonin peak. Control animals (n = 8) were maintained under the same conditions but received no light pulse. Under short days, a light pulse given early in the night caused a phase delay in the melatonin peak, and a light pulse given in the late night caused a phase advance. The mean duration of the melatonin peak was slightly reduced following a light pulse in the early or late night, and slightly increased following a pulse given near the middle of the night. Under long days, both light-pulse treatments given at night caused a phase delay in the melatonin peak, but there was no significant change in duration of the melatonin peak. The duration of the melatonin peak at day 3 under DD in the control animals was similar for all treatments, regardless of the previous entraining photoperiod (mean duration: 12.6-14.8 hr) and was similar to that under short days (14.6 hr), but was significantly longer than that under long days (8.2 hr). Information on the phase response curve in the Soay ram and on the period of the circadian oscillator governing the melatonin rhythm (c 23.0 hr under DD) predicts a close phase relationship between the end of the light phase and the onset of the melatonin peak as observed under normal 24- hr LD cycles. The current results also indicate that light acts to entrain the circadian rhythm influencing the onset and offset of melatonin secretion, and thus dictates the duration of the melatonin peak.