Some hasty observations, collected during a rapid march that I made in 1824, between Punah and Kittor, gave rise to this memoir, which, though brief and imperfect, may not altogether be devoid of interest, since the geology and statistics of few countries are less known than those of India. Connected as this portion of the globe now is with the political and commercial prosperity of Great Britain, the resources of the country, the mineral treasures of its rocks, the capabilities and productions of its soil, the condition of the inhabitants, and their prospect and means of attaining a higher scale of civilisation, deserve the attention of the legislator, merchant, philanthropist, and man of science. Its statistics and geology are yet desiderata: and though the portion of information here communicated be but a speck on the ocean that lies before us, it will perhaps contribute something towards a clearer view and more accurate chart of the whole, which may be brought, I hope, to perfection in the course of time.