Electron-hole plasmas in p-InSb are driven far beyond the threshold of the helical instability into the non-linear region by applying axial magnetic fields B much greater than the threshold fields Bth. While the plasma is immersed in a static B three fundamental properties of the plasma, namely the electric-field strength E sustained in the plasma, the self-magnetic field Bh produced by the rotating plasma, and the frequency of helical oscillations f, are measured. As B is increased from zero, E first decreases until B=Bth; then E rises with a slope and magnitude greater than those associated with the decrease. The quantity BhRIT, where IT=totalcurrent and R=radius, possesses a maximum as a function of BR. At constant IT, f exhibits a trend to increase with increasing penetration into the nonlinear region until the onset of turbulence; however, f is a nonmonotonic function of B. E is also measured while the plasma is immersed in a magnetic field varying with time at a rate Ḃ. The most striking result is the splitting of the Bth into two branches with increasing Ḃ as observed by the occurrences of two minima in the E versus time curves. Comparisons are made among all these results and those available on the nonlinear properties of electron-ion plasmas, both experimental and theoretical.