Search forμ+→e+γ

This paper describes a kinematically complete search for the muon decay μ+e+γ. The experiment used a magnetic spectrometer outfitted with proportional chambers to measure the positron momentum vector and a large segmented NaI(T1) array to determine the γ-ray energy and impact point. The positrons were mostly from normal muon decay while the γ rays were mostly from internal and external bremsstrahlung. Approximately 3×102 muons were stopped in a 50-mg/cm2 polyethylene target. The relative timing between the positron and the γ ray was measured with a resolution of 1.9 ns full width at half maximum (FWHM) by the use of a plastic-scintillator hodoscope for the positron and by NaI(T1) constant-fraction timing for the γ ray. The positron energy resolution averaged over all data was 8.8% FWHM, and the γ-ray energy resolution was 8% FWHM, both at 52.8 MeV. When the γ ray is assumed to originate at the same place in the target as the positron, the rms error in the measurement of the angle between the positron and γ-ray momentum vectors was 37 mrad. The acceptance of the apparatus for μ+e+γ events was (1.75±0.04)%. A maximum-likelihood analysis established a 90%-confidence upper limit for the branching ratio Γ(μ+e+γ)Γ(μ+e+νν¯) of 1.7×1010.