The Dublin Prawn or Norway Lobster, Nephrops norvegicus (L.), is widely distributed on soft muddy bottoms, usually between 10 and 50 fathoms. It is found as far north as Iceland and the North Cape, is common in the North Sea and off the Atlantic shores of the British Isles, and extends as far south as the coast of Morocco; a variety, v. meridionalis (Zariquiey-Cenarro, 1935) is found in the Mediterranean and Adriatic (see Havinga, 1929, and Heldt & Heldt, 1931, for details of its distribution). Some aspects of the general biology of Nephrops have been dealt with by Höglund (1942) and Poulsen (1946) for Scandinavian waters, and by McIntosh (1904, 1908) and Storrow (1912)for the waters off north-east England. To a large extent all these workers relied on market catches.

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