Q Fever in Britain: Isolation ofRickettsia Burnetifrom the TickHaemaphysalis Punctata

1. Rickettsia burneti has been isolated from the tick Haemaphysalis punctata collected from sheep in an endemic area of Q fever in south-east England.2. Isolation from one batch may have been due to contamination from the wool of sheep excreting R. burneti, but evidence is presented that isolation from another batch was due to the presence of the rickettsia in the tick tissues.We should like to express our gratitude to Mr R. D. Brown, M.R.C.V.S., Mr F. L. J. Kett, F.R.E.S., and Mr J. Carey, who helped to collect the specimens. We are also indebted to Dr A. D. Lees (Agricultural Research Council Unit of Insect Physiology) for his help with the identification of the ticks. Finally we wish to acknowledge the valuable laboratory assistance given by Mr P. C. Collings, Miss Z. Page and Miss K. Arnold.