Extension to the use of tolerance intervals for the assessment of individual bioequivalence

For the determination of bioequivalence, researchers have recently shifted their emphasis from average bioequivalence alone to average and individual bioequivalence. Existing methods for assessing average bioequivalence were first developed for the standard 2 × 2 crossover design, but these methods are easily generalized to the two-treatment, ρ-period crossover designs (e.g., TRR, RTT, and TTRR, RRTT, TRRT, RTTR). With respect to individual bioequivalence, Westlake (1,2) implemented the use of parametric and distribution-free tolerance intervals for assessing individual bioequivalence. Anderson and Hauck (3) described what they call the test of individual equivalence ratios (TIER) for the same purpose. Note that these methods have been applied and/or developed only for the standard 2 × 2 crossover design. The present work extends the method of using parametric tolerance intervals for assessing individual bioequivalence.

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