The Measurement of Pressures under the Foot

An apparatus is described which gives a rapid and detailed picture of the distribution of pressure under the foot, this being displayed either as a continuous grey scale or a color contour map on a television monitor. Automatic analysis systems are outlined which enable the quantitation of the distribution of pressures and loads under the foot during standing and walking, utilizing computer techniques. The use of the static system is illustrated by the results of analytic procedures carried out on normal feet and in the assessment of surgical correction of a series of equino-varus feet in children suffering from spina bifida. The clinical application of the dynamic system is illustrated by the measurement of pressure/time curves encountered under the heel, the five metatarsal heads, and the great toe of a control group of feet and the feet of patients who had undergone metatarsophalangeal fusions, Keller arthroplasties, and Swanson arthroplasties.