High pressure, high resolution synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction with a position-sensitive detector

We report results of high-pressure experiments with a new diamond-anvil cell in a monochromatic, high-resolution x-ray scattering geometry with alinear position-sensitive detector. The experiments make possible the study of factors controlling line widths of diffraction profiles at pressures in the 100 GPa range, and demonstrate the potential for the use of line profile analysis and Rietveld refinement techniques with high-pressure powder diffraction data. Combined data for various materials indicate that relative contributions to linewidths due to particle size, intrinsic material strength, pressure and state of stress in the sample can be resolved. With light rare-gas solids as pressure-transmitting media, measured FWHMs of the order 0.03ˆ 2 θ corresponding to resolution Δd/d of 2.5 × 10−3 for 2θ∼10-15ˆ are reported. Formation of a high pressure phase appears to involve growth of submicron domains, judging from substantially broadened diffraction peaks under quasihydrostatic conditions. Detailed analysis of complex, non-quenchable high-pressure phases will likely require annealing techniques such as thermal cycling at pressure. Presented at the IUCr Workshop on ‘Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation for High Pressure Crystallography’, Daresbury Laboratory 20-21 July 1991