In the approximation neglecting any but single pair correlations, singularities of the reaction matrix render Brueckner's integral for the average energy per particle a singular integral. Several attempts to overcome this difficulty have been unsuccessful. By considering the infinite Fermi system to be a limit of finite systems, it is shown that the correct result merely involves replacing Brueckner's ordinary integral over diagonal reaction matrix elements by a principal value integral. In a finite system the level shift of a Bethe-Goldstone state differs from the diagonal reaction matrix element by a normalization factor which does not approach unity uniformly in the integration variable as the volume becomes infinite. In the neighborhood of a singularity the expression for the two-particle energy shift takes the form cy(y2+cU1), where y is the unperturbed energy measured from the singularity, c is the square of a matrix element, and U is the quantization volume. Hence as U the sum over the energy y indeed approaches a principal value integral. An alternative derivation, employing a modified reaction matrix for which there is no difference between level shift and matrix element, leads to the same result. The general derivations are preceded by a soluble example.

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