Mass-Spectrometer and uv Absorption Study of CHF3 Decomposition behind Shock Waves

The thermal decomposition of CHF3 has been studied in excess argon behind incident and reflected shock waves over a temperature range from 1600° to 2200°K at six total pressures between 0.29±0.03 and 28.2±1.6 atm. Direct mass‐spectrometer analysis of the reaction mixture showed HF and CF2 to be the major decomposition products. Kinetics for the reaction CHF3 lim ArCF2+HF were determined spectrophotometrically by observing the rate of formation of CF2 in absorption at 2536 Å. The decomposition reaction was first order in CHF3 concentration and dependent on total concentration. The high‐pressure limiting rate constant is given by kAr=(7.03±0.70)1011exp[(−58 400±2200)/RT]sec−1, where 58.4±2.2 kcal/mole is considered to be the minimum energy E0 for dissociation. For the lowest pressure 0.29 atm, the reaction is interpreted by a second‐order mechanism, d[CF2]/dt=k2[CHF3][Ar] , with the rate constant expressed as k2Ar=(2.05±0.14)1035T−5.75±0.23exp[(−58 400±2200)/RT]  cc mole−1·sec−1, indicating in terms of the classical Kassel theory the participation of 7.25 effective oscillators for the dissociation of a critically energized CHF3 molecule. Taking E0=58.4±2.2 kcal/mole as the heat of reaction at 0°K, the heat of formation of the CF2 radical is −40.2±4.0 kcal/mole.