This review might well be regarded as a summary of present knowledge of the large field of respiratory diseases and a brief review of the salient features, concerned primarily with the etiologic, pathogenic and therapeutic considerations. The etiologic, rather than the anatomic, approach to diagnosis is emphasized in order that an intelligent attitude towards therapy might be developed. The recent advances in discovery of new etiologic agents, e.g., adenoviruses, is discussed in some detail. Differential diagnosis includes such diseases as vesicular pharyngitis, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infections, infections mononucleosis, poliomyelitis, ornithosis, and rickettsial diseases. Specific use of antimicrobial drugs for certain viral infections is emphasized. Dosage of available therapeutic drugs is detailed for the diseases in which they have been shown to be effective, such as rickettsial diseases, ornithosis, and complicating bacterial infections. Prophylactic uses are outlined and a warning against the uncritical use of such therapy is given. Many problems remain unsolved, but rapid progress is being made.