Mechanisms of production of fast particles withZ=1,2inLi6-induced reactions far above the Coulomb barrier

Various mechanisms for the production of fast, beam-velocity particles have been explored using a 12.5 MeV/nucleon Li6 beam, with special emphasis on results from a Au197 target. Energy spectra and angular distributions of fast, Z=1,2 products revealed an A13 target mass dependence of the individual total yields which is characteristic of the surface mechanisms. Relative fragment yields were essentially independent of the target mass and appear to depend upon the momentum distributions of the different cluster substructures of Li6. Particle-γ coincidences reflected the Q-optimum transfer of a beam-velocity α or d fragment, initiating a (fragment, xnγ)-like reaction, and which accounts for approximately 13% of the singles beam-velocity particle production. In-plane αd coincidences could be divided roughly equally between two-step (sequential) and one-step projectile breakup. Alpha-proton coincidences suggested the strong presence of neutron transfer, forming unstable Li5 which subsequently breaks up into α+p. The cross section from correlated α+d and α+p production accounts for at least 50% of the singles fast-particle production. Other possible mechanisms are also discussed.