Assignment of phosphorus-31 and nonexchangeable proton resonances in a symmetrical 14 base pair lac pseudooperator DNA fragment

The 31P chemical shifts of all 13 phosphates and the chemical shifts of nearly all of the nonexchangeable protons of a symmetrical 14 base pair lac pseudooperator DNA fragment have been assigned by regiospecific labeling with oxygen-17 and two-dimensional NMR techniques. At C, 8 of the 13 phosphorus resonances can distinctly be resolved while the remaining 5 resonances occur in two separate overlapping regions. The 31P chemical shifts of this particular 14 base pair oligonucleotide do not follow the general observation that the more internal the phosphate is located within the oligonucleotide sequence the more upfield the 31P resonance occurs, as shown from other 31P assignment studies. Failure of this general rule is believed to be a result of helical distortions that occur along the oligonucleotide double helix, on the basis of the analysis of Callidine [Callidine, C.R. (1982) J. Mol. Biol. 161, 343-352]. Notable exceptions to the phosphate position relationships are 5''-Py-Pu-3'' dinucleotide sequences, which resonate at a lower field strength than expected in agreement with similar results as reported by Ott and Eckstein [Ott, J., and Eckstein, F. (1985) Biochemistry 24, 253]. A reasonable correlation exists between 31P chemical shift values of the 14-mer and the helical twist sum function of Callidine. The most unusal 31P resonance occurs most upfield in the 31P spectrum, which has been assigned to the second phosphate position (5''GpT-3'') from the 5'' end. This unusual chemical shift may be the result of the predicted large helical twist angle that occurs at this position in the 14-mer sequence. Further, it is believed that the large helical twist represents a unique structural feature responsible for optimum binding contact between lac repressor protein and this 14-mer lac pseudooperator segment. Assignments of proton resonances were made from two-dimensional 1H-1H nuclear Overhauser effect (NOESY) connectivities in a sequential manner applicable to right-handed B-DNA, in conjunction with two-dimensional homonuclear and heteronuclear J-correlated spectroscopies (1H-1H COSY and 31P-1H HETCOR). Most nonexchangeable base proton and deoxyribose proton (except for some unresolved H4'', H5'', and H5" protons) resonances were assigned.