Injuries in Eleven Selected Sports

All the clubs for 10 sports in the four northern counties were surveyed for injuries for a whole playing season and a 50% sample of the badminton clubs were surveyed in the same way. After the two types of football, hockey comes third in the injury league with women getting injured mostly in the legs, but men in the upper part of the body. Protective padding for hockey players' legs is suggested. Finger injuries and occasional concussion are characteristics of cricket and sprains and strains of badminton. The severity rate in fencing was low with an occasional superficial cut. Cycling was safe, but when an accident did happen it usually produced multiple abrasions as can be readily understood by anyone who has fallen off a bicycle. Boxing and judo did not produce many injuries, but when they did, they were severe, and needed a relatively long time (on average 3 weeks) off sport. But, paradoxically the medical attention which they attracted was better than that attracted by the minor injuries of the other sports. Rowing and swimming were both very safe sports, notwithstanding the potentially hazardous nature of water. The injuries in sub-aquatic activities seemed to depend upon the club rather than upon the sport itself, which suggests that rather more careful supervision may sometimes be necessary.The range of injury produced by sport is so wide—from a bruise to a brain injury—that it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the hospital accident room is the right place to receive the injured player in the first instance. From here he can, if necessary, be routed to another department for more specialized treatment.Introducing more first aid training into sport, at, perhaps, the level of club officials, players themselves, and in addition, regular supporters will be the most useful steps which can be taken in the management of sports injuries.