Potential fields generated by oblique dipole layers modeling excitation wavefronts in the anisotropic myocardium. Comparison with potential fields elicited by paced dog hearts in a volume conductor.

The potential distribution in a homogeneous, cylindrical volume conductor surrounding an isolated paced dog heart was first measured and then calculated by using a mathematical model that stimulates an anisotropic excitation wavefront spreading through the heart muscle. The study was performed with a view to establish to what extent the anisotropy of cardiac generators affects the potential field in the extra-cardiac conducting media at a great distance from the heart. The model considers an oblique dipole layer on the wavefront which, assuming axial symmetry of the electrical properties of the fibers, can be viewed as the superposition of an axial and transverse dipole layer. These layers are, respectively, parallel and perpendicular to the local fiber due to such an oblique distribution is also equivalent to the sum of the potentials generated, respectively, by a normal and an axial dipole layer. In this form, the model generalizes the classical, uniform double layer model, upon which the solid angle theory is based, by adding to it an axial component. The features of the measured potential fields, which could not be interpreted on the basis of the solid angle theory, were satisfactorily reproduced by the model, at least on a qualitative basis. The results clearly showed the dominant role played by the axial component of the potential field even at a considerable distance from the heart.

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