Normal human skin echogram

Sector B-mode echograms of the stratum corneum from the top of pemphigus foliaceus bulla, 15/1,000 inch split-thickness skin graft including the epidermis and superficial dermis, and the whole skin with subcutaneous fat were compared with histologic sections. The corneo-epidermal and epidermo-dermal interfaces were not delineated either by 5, 10 or 15 MHz transducer. The subcutaneous fat exhibited an almost echolucent zone with weak echoes from the fibrous trabeculae or large blood vessels. Regional differences of in vivo normal skin echograms were studied on the forehead, abdomen, back, upper arm, thigh, lower leg and heel. The presence or absence of the cutaneous muscles, fascia or bone was clearly demonstrated. For the standard echogram of the skin, a 10 MHz transducer was considered appropriate, though the detailed echograms were obtained mostly in the deep dermal and subcutaneous structures.