Hewings G. J. D. (1971) Regional input-output models in the U.K.: Some problems and prospects for the use of nonsurvey techniques, Reg. Studies 5, 11–22. The possibilities of utilizing nonsurvey data in the production of regional input-output tables have recently been investigated in the United States. In this study, the 1954 U.K. input-output tables were used as a basis for the construction of a set of regional tables for the West Midlands for 1954. Using published data, projections were made to 1958: these projected output figures compared favourably with data recorded in the 1958 Census of Production. While the aggregate differences were small, of greater significance were the differences in the estimation, by each of the nonsurvey techniques, of the individual input coefficients and column multipliers. Although considerable empirical testing remains to be done, nonsurvey techniques would seem to have considerable potential in assisting the production of regional accounts but it is doubtful whether present methods will obviate local surveys completely.