Experimental Ascaridic Endophthalmitis

Migration of nematode larvae into the eye is a well-known cause of endophthalmitis.1 The parasitic infections most commonly associated with ocular complications are those caused by Onchocerca volvulus,2-6 Wuchereria bancrofti,1,16 Dracunculus medinensis,8 Loa loa,8 Toxocara canis, and Toxocara cati,9,10,21-23 and, less frequently, by Ascaris lumbricoides.11 These parasites reach the eye by the hematogenous route or along the connective tissue spaces. Because of the preferential migration by the blood stream, the inflammatory lesions are found mainly in the uveal tract and retina. Penetration and death of the larvae in the anterior chamber may result in severe iridocyclitis. There is very little information regarding the incidence of ocular manifestations in ascariasis. Indeed, ocular complications must be very rare, as shown by the small number of recorded cases of ascaridic endophthalmitis in comparison with the ubiquitous nature of the infection. In addition, we know of no