Growth Responses ofNeurospora crassato Increased Partial Pressures of the Noble Gases and Nitrogen

Growth rate of the fungus Neurospora crassa depends in part on the nature of metabolically "inert gas" present in its environment. At high partial pressure, the noble gas elements (helium, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon) inhibit growth in the order: Xe > Kr > Ar He. Nitrogen (N2) closely resembles He in inhibitory effectiveness. Partial pressure required for 50% inhibition of growth were: Xe (0.8 atm), Kr (1.6 atm), Ar (3.8 atm), Ne (35 atm), and He ([long dash]300 atm). With respect to inhibition of growth, the noble gases and N2 differ qualitatively and quantitatively from the order of effectiveness found with other biological effects, i.e., narcosis, inhibition of insect development, depression of O2-dependent radiation sensitivity, and effects on tissue-slice glycolysis and respiration. Partial pressures giving 50% inhibition of N. crassa growth parallel various physical properties (i.e., solubilities, solubility ratios, etc.) of the noble gases. Linear correlation of 50% inhibition pressures to the polarizability and of the logarithm of pressure to the first and second ionization potentials suggests the involvement of weak intermolecular interactions or charge-transfer in the biological activity of the noble gases.

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