Light and Strange Hadron Spectroscopy with Dynamical Wilson Fermions

  • 25 June 1998
We present the final analysis of the light and strange hadron spectra from a full QCD lattice simulation with two degenerate dynamical sea quark flavours at $\beta = 5.6$ on a $16^3 \times 32$ lattice. Four sets of sea quark masses corresponding to the range $.69 \leq m_\pi/m_\rho \leq .83$ are investigated. For reference we also ran a quenched simulation at $\beta_{\sf eff} = 6.0$, which is the point of equal lattice spacing, $a_{\rho}^{-1}$. In the light sector, we find the chiral extrapolation to physical u- and d- masses to present a major source of uncertainty, comparable to the expected size of unquenching effects. From linear and quadratic fits we can estimate the errors on the hadron masses made from light quarks to be on a 15 % level prior to the continuum extrapolation. For the hadrons with strange valence quark content, the $N_F = 2$ approximation to QCD appears not to cure the well-known failure of quenched QCD to reproduce the physical $K-K^*$ splitting.