Thermodynamics of pure and multicomponent dipolar hard-sphere fluids

The thermodynamics of two recent models of hard-sphere polar fluids is investigated. The two models are the Onsager model developed by Nienhuis and Deutch and the mean spherical approximation results obtained by Wertheim. The equation of state, vapour pressure curve, and other pertinent thermodynamic properties are determined. These results for the pure hard-sphere polar fluid complement the results recently reported by Rushbrooke, Stell and Høye. The thermodynamics of simple multicomponent hard-sphere polar mixtures is examined for the case of equal hard-sphere radii. Results for the multicomponent MSM are based on the exact solution of this model by Adelman and Deutch. The Onsager model is generalized to the case of many components. For both multicomponent models it is demonstrated that a variety of regions of instability exist for the one-phase fluid. Finally a discussion is included of how well these models agree with experiment.