Electron Capture ofYb169to Levels inTm169

The decay of Yb169 by electron capture has been studied with permanent magnet spectrographs and scintillation counter techniques. Multipolarities of all transitions (including mixing) have been deduced. A level scheme is proposed. Two metastable levels of 4×107 and 4.5×108 second have been found, in addition to the well-known 6.4×107 sec level. These metastable levels are all depopulated by D+Qmixtures in which the dipole radiation is greatly retarded (by factors of 106 to 108) and the quadrupole radiation is retarded by factors of 102 to 103 as compared to the single-particle estimates. For certain transitions the corrections to the M1 internal conversion coefficients (necessary because of finite nuclear size) have been obtained for the K, LI and LII shells. The screening correction for the KLL Auger lines has been obtained for this nucleus (Z=69).