The antiproton-nucleon system at rest and its annihilation are discussed. Final states of two mesons, of many mesons with all but one in a vector resonance, and of two vector resonances are the main concern, although the decay to lepton pairs and other properties of the p¯-nucleon system are also considered. The basic assumptions are that annihilations proceed mainly through an intermediate vector meson (S13 decay) or pseudoscalar meson (S01 decay) and also that SU(3) symmetry is valid for obtaining unknown coupling constants. The unknown parameters in the SU(3) couplings are determined by fitting to experiment, with the following interesting results: gρNN>~gωNN and gη*NN2gπNN, where η* refers to the 960-MeV ηππ resonance, and the above coupling constants for the ρ and ω are the sum of the γμ and σμνqν coefficients. gρNNgωNN at q2=4mN2 is shown to be consistent with nuclear-force calculations around q2=0, and the above value for gη*NN helps explain the rapid increase with energy of the proton Compton-scattering cross section. The SU(3) B¯BV interaction is determined from the rates for S13 annihilations of p¯p to π+ππ0, π+π, K+K, and K1K2, the VVP coupling from ω3π and φ3π, and the B¯BP interaction from the S01 decays of p¯p to K*K¯*, ρ0ρ0, and ρ0ω0. We discuss briefly the relation of the SU(3) couplings determined here and the results of broken SU(6) and U(12). In particular, we show that df=2 for B¯BV at q2=4mN2, in contradiction to the value 32 given by SU(6) and U(12); we also conclude that the df ratio is not constant for the B¯BV coupling. A table of relative rates and graphs of expected mass spectra are given for final states consisting of a vector resonance plus pseudoscalar meson, and a comparison with the available experimental evidence is made. The approximate agreement expected is observed. The discussion of the vector-vector final states leads to the prediction that Γ(p¯pρ0ρ0)Γ(p¯pω0ω0), and we also determine that (p¯pe+e)(p¯pπ+π)2×105. Finally we conclude that the assumptions made are thus far consistent with experiment.