Ability of Toxorhynchites amboinensis (Doleschall) (Diptera: Culicidae) to Locate and Oviposit in Artificial Containers in an Urban Environment

An evaluation of the ability of the predaceous species Toxorhynchites amboinensis (Doleschall) to locate and oviposit in artificial containers in an urban environment was conducted in New Orleans, La. Liberations of laboratory-reared males and gravid females resulted in oviposition in virtually every type of container found in such a habitat; casual observation indicated that oviposition was largely independent of the color and the location of the container with respect to vegetation and buildings. Between May and October, an index of the fecundity, the duration of oviposition after a release, and the proportion of containers that were positive for prey larvae that were also found by predator females declined with decreasing number of females released and with the date of release. Evidence is presented that indicates that the predator females oviposit in response to cues correlated with the presence of prey immatures and that ephemeral habitats such as containers that tend to dry out are less attractive as oviposition sites.