1. The experiments correlate certain changes in the ultrastructure of cat hypogastric nerves constricted at two points with the distribution of a mitochondrial enzyme (cytochrome oxidase), noradrenaline (stored in some of the vesicles with an electron dense core, i.e. granular vesicles) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) (present in noradrenaline storage granules, mitochondria and the soluble fraction of the axon). 2. Noradrenaline (NA) and granular vesicles accumulated proximal but not distal to both constrictions. The total amount of NA and the concentration of granular vesicles above the first constriction was greater than that present in a similar piece of normal nerve, indicating that the cell body was continuing to produce the transmitter despite injury to its axon. The granular vesicles proximal to the first constriction were found in swollen or distorted axons and in new axonal outgrowths. It was concluded that the movement of NA in these constricted nerves was only centrifugal in direction. 3. Mitochondria and cytochrome oxidase accumulated on both sides of the two constrictions, indicating a bi‐directional movement of mitochondria in the damaged axons. The possibility that some of the increase in the cytochrome oxidase could be related to an increase in the number of mitochondria in cells other than neurones is considered. 4. The adenosine triphosphate content increased on both sides of the two constrictions. This increase developed more slowly and was less marked than that of the other two substances. 5. It was concluded that (a) there was a close correlation between the behaviour of noradrenaline and granular vesicles and between cytochrome oxidase and mitochondria, (b) the dense cored vesicles and the mitochondria moved independently of one another and at different rates after constriction of non‐myelinated axons, (c) while some of the changes may be attributed to an obstruction to the free movement of axoplasm others may be due to an active reaction to axonal injury, and (d) localized intraaxonal synthesis of noradrenaline and cytochrome oxidase did not occur between the two constrictions.