Rate of oxygen consumption in an air medium of two spp. of salamanders, Plethodon cinereus cinereus and Eurycea bislineata bislineata, was studied at two different temp, levels during various seasons of the year by means of a closed manometer system. Seasonal variation in oxygen consumption could be noted for both spp. When detns. were made at 10[degree] C, the highest metabolic rate of both spp. occurred during May-June; the lowest, October-November. At 1[degree]C, P. cinereus consumed more oxygen during October-November than during May-June. Sp. differences could be noted when comparing individuals of similar size. At 10[degree] C, E. bislineata consumed more oxygen per unit weight than P. cinereus, but at 1[degree] C both spp. responded in an equal manner. Results of expts. comparing oxygen consumption of laboratory and field animals showed no significant difference.