This paper deals with the absorption and defocusing of a CO2 laser beam by the laser-induced plasma plume in deep penetration welding. To derive the `effective` intensity distribution in the focal plane theoretically, the laser beam propagation through the plasma plume is calculated by solving the paraxial wave equation with a finite-difference scheme. Corresponding to experimental results, documented in the literature, the properties of the plasma plume (spatial temperature distribution and shielding gas content) are pre-set within the calculation. Parametric studies demonstrate that the intensity at the focus is reduced due to the defocusing effect of the plasma plume, mainly, and only to a minor extent due to absorption within the plume. Because of refraction within the plume, the intensity distribution in the focal plane is dependent on the plasma`s size, position and temperature. On studying the dependency of the optical properties on plasma temperature and shielding gas composition, it is found that, by applying a shielding gas mixture of He and Ar in the ratio 3:1, the variation of the focal diameter with plasma temperature can be significantly reduced. This shielding gas mixture, therefore, is recommended for enhancing process stability when welding with high-power CO2 lasers.