Semiautomated reminder system for improving syphilis management

This project utilized an automated record system, COSTAR, to assess and improve the quality of care in managing syphilis in a health maintenance organization. A scoring tool was developed to assess care. There were four experimental periods, each lasting one year. The periods were Baseline (no intervention), Education (publication of guidelines and an educational session), Reminder (deficiencies in care brought to the attention of providers in time to permit correction), and Post-reminder (no intervention). Scores for overall management of syphilis rose from 70.4 to 90.5% during the Reminder period and did not deteriorate significantly in the Post-reminder period. Scores in the Education period were not significantly higher than baseline. The cost of the system was $195 per year. An inexpensive reminder system was effective in bringing about a significant improvement in quality of care for syphilis, and the effect persisted for at least a year after the system was discontinued.