Proton-Proton Interactions at 5.5 GeV/c

This report is based on about 10 500 pp collision events produced in the 81-cm Saclay hydrogen bubble chamber at CERN. Cross-section values for the different identified final states and resonances are given. The isobars N*1238, N*1420, N*1518, N*1688, N*1920, and N*2360 were identified and their production cross-section values were found via a best-fit analysis of different invariant-mass histograms. About 70% of the isobars are connected with the quasi-two-body reactions ppN*N and ppN*N*. The reaction ppnN*1238(pπ+) with a cross section of 3.25±0.16 mb was analyzed in terms of a peripheral absorption model, which was found to be in good agreement with the data. Various decay modes of the N*1518 and N*1688 isobars were observed and their branching ratios determined. The branching ratio of nπ+ to pπ+π was found to be 0.77±0.45 for N*1518 and 0.67±0.40 for N*1688. The branching ratio of N*1238(pπ+)π to pπ+π of N*1688 was estimated to be 0.74±0.14. Pion production turned out to be mainly due to decay of isobars. Production of meson resonances turned out to be less important; the reaction ppppω0ppπ+ππ0 was identified with a cross-section value of 0.11±0.02 mb. Finally, the production of neutral strange particles with a cross section of 0.45±0.04 mb is descussed. Strong formation of Y*1385 is observed.