Magnetic Excitations in Antiferromagnetic CoF2. II. Uniform Magnetic Excitations nearT=0°K

Far-infrared absorption experiments on CoF2 at 4.2 °K are extended to include all the uniform magnetic excitations below 300 cm1. The linear and nonlinear Zeeman effect, obtained with externally applied magnetic fields parallel and perpendicular to the spin direction, are also observed. A model of the uniform magnetic excitations derived from an effective S=32, Co2+ manifold is constructed by including a large orthorhombic anisotropy field, determined from Co2+ in MgF2, a simple isotropic bilinear exchange, and the independently determined spin-phonon coupling to the Eg optical phonon. The model gives a satisfactory account of the energies, linear and nonlinear Zeeman effect, as well as the absorption intensities.