Characterization of the INTENSE PIGMENT Tomato Genotype Emphasizing Targeted Fruit Metabolites and Chloroplast Biogenesis

The tomato INTENSE PIGMENT (IP) genotype is characterized by intense visual pigmentation of unripe and ripe fruits, not thoroughly analyzed thus far. This study was therefore designed to analyze key morphologic, metabolomic, and photomorphogenic phenotypes of this genotype in comparison to its near-isogenic normal counterpart and to evaluate its significance relative to other tomato mutants known for increased fruit pigmentation. The IP genotype produced smaller and darker red fruits, and a substantially increased chloroplast biogenesis was found in its green fruit and leaf tissues. Ripe-red fruits of the IP genotype produced 34−38% more soluble solids and up to 62.6% more carotenoids, but no differences were found in the concentration of flavonoid compounds in its peel tissue. The IP genotype was found to display a greater hypocotyl inhibition response to blue and yellow light, but a more prominent and novel response to total darkness. As a whole, the IP genotype exhibited highly desirable traits, making it a valuable genotype for tomato breeders attempting to introduce functional and taste qualities into tomato fruits.