Recognition of Distinctive Radiologic Patterns in Diffuse Pulmonary Disease

The diffuse pulmonary diseases include those conditions in which widely disseminated deposits are seen on the chest x-ray film. This paper will be concerned with the variety of patterns encountered on the chest roentgenogram in this group of diseases and their recognition and diagnostic importance. In most of these disorders the diagnosis can be firmly based upon evidence obtained from a thorough history, physical examination, and relevant laboratory data. The chest x-ray film poses the problem of diffuse pulmonary disease and often provides information which leads to appropriate clinical and laboratory investigations. The diagnostic importance of associated extrapulmonary changes on the chest roentgenogram is widely appreciated. Our concern centers upon the patterns produced by the intrapulmonary deposits. In many cases the pattern demonstrated is consistent with only a limited number of diseases and leads to early consideration of the correct diagnosis. A classification of the patterns of diffuse pulmonary disease