Mathematics anxiety and mental arithmetic performance: An exploratory investigation

Two exploratory studies were conducted to determine if mathematics anxiety, as assessed by the Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale (MARS), is related to the underlying mental processes of arithmetic performance. MARS scores were higher when the test was administered by computer, vs. the standard paper-and-pencil format, and were higher for female than male college students. Small but significant processing differences in simple addition and multiplication were found when subjects were divided by quartiles into anxiety groups. Much larger differences in processing speed and accuracy were found with complex addition problems and a set of difficult problems (e.g. 9 × 16 = 134, true or false) that tested all four arithmetic operations. Overall, the low anxiety group was consistently the most rapid and accurate, the medium high was consistently the slowest, and the high anxiety group the most prone to errors. The results suggest that genuine performance differences exist among the several levels of mathematics anxiety, and that chronometric, reaction time-based studies of such performance will be useful in revealing those differences.