Plant-remains have long been known to occur at a horizon near the top of the Lower Old Red Sandstone of Perthshire, far above the volcanic horizon represented in the Ochil Hills. Evans, in the Handbook of the Geology of Great Britain (1929), speaks of these Perthshire plants as occurring “near the summit of the Strathmore Sandstones”; but it is as well to remember that Evans' definition of Strathmore Sandstones is very wide, including all “beds above the Cairnconnan Grits” of Forfar. Hickling (1908) and Campbell (1913) refer to the Strathmore Beds or Group in a much more restricted sense. For them the term is a synonym for Edzell Shales, the uppermost of four divisions united by Evans as Strathmore Sandstones. On account of this uncertainty we prefer, for the present, not to employ the term Strathmore with any stratigraphical significance.