Szilard–Chalmers cation recoil studies in zeolites X and Y. Part 1.—Ion exchange in zeolites X and Y

Isotherms and Kielland plots have been obtained for the exchange of K+, NH+ 4, Rb+ and Cs+ at 25°C in a Na–Y zeolite containing 68 Na+ ions per unit cell. Interesting differences have been found in these systems compared with previous studies in Na–X and Na–Y zeolites containing 86 and 56 Na+ ions per u.c. respectively. Isotherms have also been obtained for the exchange of Ba2+ in Na–X and also Na–Y at 25°C; Co2+ in Na–X and Na–Y at 25 and 90°C; Zn2+ in Na–X at 25°C; and Cu2+ in Na–Y at 25°C. A study has also been made of the redistribution among the various sites of these zeolites X and Y of the cations Cs+, Rb+, Ba2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Cu2+ and La3+ as the temperature is increased over the range 25 to 800°C. These cations were initially sited only in the supercages before heating commenced. Interesting results are reported showing the preferences of these cations for the various sites present in these structures.