Since the vitamin B12 requirements of certain bacteria can be replaced by thymidine, and other desoxyribosides, investigation of its use in the treatment of pernicious anemia seemed indicated. In 2 patients, with Addisonian pernicious anemia in relapse treated with a single intramusc. injn. of 5.3 mg. and 150 mg. of thymidine, respectively, slight reticulocytosis up to 5% was observed, but no rise in the red blood count. A 3d patient seemed to do only slightly if at all better, on a daily sub-optimal dose of 0.00025 mg. of vitamin B12 plus 5 mg. of thymidine, than on the B12 alone. Thymidine has no effect on the erythrocyte count in pernicious anemia, although it is not completely inert hematologically as indicated by the reticulocytosis.