Precise Measurements of the Leptonic Branching Ratios of the Tau Lepton

Precise measurements are reported for the leptonic branching ratios of the τ lepton from the reaction e+eτ+τ observed with the MAC detector operating at the SLAC storage ring PEP. Results from samples in which one τ decays into three charged particles and the other to e or μ are Be=0.180±0.009±0.006 and Bμ=0.183±0.009±0.005. A sample of eμ events gives BeBμ=0.0288±0.0017±0.0019. With the assumption of eμ universality, these results are combined to give Be=0.178±0.005, which implies a τ lifetime of (2.85±0.09)×1013 sec.