Dissociative recombination of electrons andD2+to yieldD(2p)

Cross sections have been measured as a function of electron energy (1.4 to 7.5 eV) for production of Lα photons from the dissociative recombination of electrons and D2+. Ions made in a low-pressure ion source by electron bombardment and formed into a beam are reacted at right angles with a magnetically confined electron beam. Recombination was observed by detecting Lα photons from resultant excited atoms. It was demonstrated that a large fraction of the observed light arises from cascade to the 2p state from levels of higher principal quantum number. The measured cross section is thus presented as an upper limit for formation of D(2p) in the dissociative recombination process. The results, represented approximately by the expression σ(2p)<(7.6×1017)E1.25 cm2, indicate that recombinations leading to formation of a D(2p) are a small fraction of the total recombination measured by Peart and Dolder.