To investigate the applicability of the Butler stripping theory, the angular correlations have been measured between the protons and γ rays from the reactions Be9(d, pγ)Be10* (3.37 Mev) and Ca40(d, pγ)Ca41* (1.95 Mev), using 7.78-Mev deuterons. Both correlations in the (d, p) plane are of the form 1+A2P2(cosθ), where θ is the angle between the γ ray and the recoil nucleus, as predicted by theory. For Be9 the coefficient A2=0.33±0.04, in reasonable agreement with the previously reported value of -0.40±0.05 for a deuteron energy of 4 Mev, and hence confirming the theoretically expected energy independence. This value of A2 is close to that of -0.40 predicted on the assumption of LS coupling with the assignment of a P23 state for the first excited level of Be10. For Ca40, A2=+0.17±0.04, in satisfactory agreement with the predicted value of 0.143 obtained by using the reasonable assumption of jj coupling with less than 103% M3 in the predominantly E2 γ transition. Both transitions showed less than 6% effect in the correlation in the plane perpendicular to the recoil axis, in agreement with the isotropy expected from the simplified stripping theory.