Paracervical Block Anesthesia in Obstetrics

PARACERVICAL BLOCK ANESTHESIA is receiving increasing attention in the obstetrical literature. Page and associates1state that the first published report was by Gellert of Germany who reported 30 cases in 1926. He produced pain relief in the laboring patient by injecting 10 cc of 1% procaine hydrochloride into the parametrium on each side of the cervix. The first two reports in the American literature were by Rosenfeld2in 1945 and Freeman and associates3in 1956. Recent articles include those by Kobak and Sadove,4Page et al,1Davis et al,5and Pitkin and Goddard.6 Page et al1state that all authors have reported favorable results with paracervical anesthesia, yet few obstetricians have attempted to use it or use it regularly in their practice. With the development of longer acting regional anesthetic agents, it is predicted that interest in paracervical anesthesia will increase. We have