Surgical management of anorectal disease in HIV-positive homosexuals

One thousand and ninety human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive homosexual or bisexual males were seen in one hospital for management of HIV disease over a 9-year period. One hundred and fifty-five patients were referred by acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) physicians for general surgical management. The most frequent reason for surgical referral (64 patients) was anorectal disease which occurred in 5·9 per cent of all HIV-positive patients. One or more diagnoses were reached in 61 of the 64 patients referred with anorectal disease: warts (38 per cent of diagnoses), anorectal ulceration (26 per cent), perianal sepsis (15 per cent), neoplasia (14 per cent) and haemorrhoidal disease (8 per cent). Anorectal symptoms were relieved in 68 per cent of patients and the median survival of those treated was 17·5 months from the time of surgical referral. Both warts and perianal sepsis were associated with in situ neoplasia, but no case of progression from in situ to invasive anal squamous carcinoma was detected. The aetiology of anorectal ulcers was not clear, but surgical excision of anal ulcers and skin tags can produce healing. Palliation of anorectal symptoms in HIV-positive homosexual patients is possible but some conditions are unusual and surgeons should be familiar with their presentation and management.