Effect of DPPD, Methylene Blue, BHT, and Hydroquinone on Reproductive Process in the Rat.

DPPD (N,N''-diphenyl-p-phenylenediamine) or methylene blue cannot substitute for alpha-tocopherol in preventing resorption gestation in pregnant female rats. At low levels of supplementation, both DPPD and methylene blue have a sparing or protective effect on sub-optimal amounts of vitamin E in feed or in tissues. At high levels, both compounds are toxic. Methylene blue in doses of 100 mg/day killed pregnant female rats. DPPD at a level of 0.0125% in the diet of pregnant rats resulted in mortality of their young. Higher levels of DPPD induced prolonged gestation and maternal mortality. Neither BHT (butylated hydroxy-toluene, 0.313%) nor hydroquinone (0.3%) induced these symptoms of toxicity.

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