Epidemiological study of wastage among racehorses 1982 and 1983

An epidemiological study of wastage among racehorses was conducted in 1982 and 1983 among six stables, five of which were in Newmarket. The basis of the survey was the inability of horses to take part in cantering exercise as a result of injury or disease. The greatest number of days lost to training was caused by lameness (67.6 per cent) and respiratory problems (20.5 per cent). Conditions of the foot (19 pe cent), muscle (18 per cent), carpus (14 per cent), fetlock joints (14 per cent), tendons (10 per cent) and sore shins (9 per cent) were the major reasons for training days being lost in 198 cases in which a positive diagnosis of the site of lameness was made. The results confirm a previous investigation by Jeffcott and others (1982) and suggest that the diagnosis, therapy and prophylaxis of lameness merit a high priority in research efforts to reduce wastage among young racehorses.